Sounds great. Just drank Champaign punch to tost the new year! Will have art soon. I just realised drawing well is easier than I took credit for it. At least for me.....Oh, and even though I might sound like a selfish bastard for this, would you join the A.K.C? I started it, it's an anti-Kitty Krew group, and we have 3 members. Unless you like the KK, I'm not gonna hate you for it, we just believe that NG shouldn't have to suffer flash that was made by immature individuals that worked 5 min. to waste Tom's space on his site.
Sounds great. Just drank Champaign punch to tost the new year! Will have art soon. I just realised drawing well is easier than I took credit for it. At least for me.....Oh, and even though I might sound like a selfish bastard for this, would you join the A.K.C? I started it, it's an anti-Kitty Krew group, and we have 3 members. Unless you like the KK, I'm not gonna hate you for it, we just believe that NG shouldn't have to suffer flash that was made by immature individuals that worked 5 min. to waste Tom's space on his site.
Sure! As long as I'm included in huge collabs that took about 5 seconds to make. Hahaha.