View Profile SwampLord9
777437524 Chester Chester Ave. Paul Rigggaaal Blvd. And that's on Saturday, AKA Brown Town

Rainbow Kitten @SwampLord9

Age 32, Male


Joined on 6/27/05

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Ok, friend. I had lunch right before gym this semester, but I do believe I have lunch right after gym next semester, which is next week, I think. So, I'm in the same boat as you. As for classes, I'm only worried about not finding my English class. I didn't take English this semester, and there's 1 part of the school I've never been down (my school's not that big, but you never are lucky enough to see the whole school in one sitting, huh?) I have finals tomorrow and Friday, but lucky for me Friday is a....HALF-DAY! So I'll just spend the time after I finish my finals early to draw Styx the Monk. My Hunter pic is up! Check it out! Rate it! Love it! Anyway, nice looking Strigil, but why do you need a lightboard? I draw everything free-hand, and it looks decent. I think you're selling yourself short with drawing ability, but that's just me. (Not trying to insult you, heh heh heh). I'm rambling, so I'll leave you with this.....

My High-School Odyssey:

So, when I went to the guidance office before I started my second year, My guidance officer (yeah, let's say officer), my dad and I decided what classes I would take. Now, normally, that's no problem, but here's the kicker. I was forced to take 3 (!) Freshman classes! Here's why: I have to take 2 P.E.s, both 9th and 10th, bcuz I didn't take P.E. last year. Why? Simple. Instead of wasting my time in physical education, I got rid of extra electives in Computer and Art class, and as such, the Comix Zone flash is going easier on my side (guess it paid off in the long run...). I had to take Earth Science because my old school offered a class called "Matter and Energy" as a first level class. Now, because my new school's administration is a bunch of lazy bastards, instead of figuring out what that science could qualify me for credit-wise, they stuck me in a class that 9th graders usually take (But every grade level is in this one, as well as new-comers i.e. 9th Graders, it's kinda like a failure's class, cool teacher though) and counted that class as an "Extra-Elective-that-goes-toward-scie nce-credit". Ain't that about a bitch? Now, the third class World History I. That's no problem. It's a 9th Grade class in my current school, but back at my old school, World History was a 10th grade (or may be 11th grade) class, and Government was a 9th grade class, while at my current school, Government is an 11th grade class. Now, did they give me my credits? I'm not even sure, but I was stuck at a 9th grade class. Nice kids though, and History has always been one of my best subjects. I marvel them with my knowledge, it's fun! So, next week, I'll get into all 10th grade classes, but I might not see my 9th grade friends. They're pretty cool. Oh, and as for Geometry, I have a 2 part Geometry class because it looks like I'm dumb at math, when at reality, I do really good at it. Instead I didn't "apply" myself last year (in this story "apply" means: didn't do homeworks, and got bad grade in response). BEAT THAT, SWAMPY!

K here we go. My Spanish class had a horrible teacher. And to fill in for her was a worse Student Teacher. Now, the first quarter was ok. Even though I didn't do anything. I started to in the new quarter and payed attention and did my work. I got everything wrong. Literally. So I stopped doing my work because, whats the point? My grade ended up a, lets just say its BAD. Below 50 bad.Now, normally I would just accept the fact I did horribly in that class, but 4 PEOPLE PASSED THE CLASS. Thats right. 4 fucking people. And my Geometry class, nobody shuts up. So we got extra homework, and the tests and quizzes kept adding up in points. Which really made me mad, since I didn't say anything to anybody. Ever. Which caused me to be able to turn in late work and nobody else could. :] And in my Computer Technology class, my teacher has terrible hearing. I would be sitting at my computer YELLING her name. She wouldn't do anything. I finally yelled, "You're a horrible fucking teacher!" and she STILL didn't hear me. All I did was play Warcraft III and Chrono Trigger on an emulator. And I turned in late work which was 1 assignment with no points taken off. Easy class, eh?

Now heres this term...
1st period. It was ok. Pretty big class. At least it seems like it. And there are some assholes in there, but its fine. But the guy I sit next to is a jerk. Theres a small area where we are supposed to put our legs. The guy next to me asked me to move over. I did. He said, "No. More, dude" so now I have one of my legs in the cutout thing, and one not. Its pretty uncomfortable. But the class is pretty easy. This girl I know passed it cause you get to use notes and stuff on your tests. She got an A in there. Now 2nd period. Gym. Its actually not that bad, considering my really good friend Josh is in there. But I have an asshole teacher who makes you stretch and if you don't, you run laps. Then 1st lunch. Its pretty awesome. All of my friends are there except a few. But then, 3rd period. I decided to retake World History since I got a high D in there by busting my ass. I might change it later because, all the bad kids are in there. You know. The "rebels". The kids who act tough and skip class and everything. My teacher last year put me in there cause he knew I could pass with a really good grade, but I think I'll just change it, despite the fact I have a really awesome teacher. Now last, 4th period. Not bad at all. My friend Alex is in there and I made 2 new friends already (I'm getting popular. :]). We filled out worksheets so the teacher could get to know us. Which I don't understand. My favorite food should have nothing to do with World War 2. But it was ok. So pretty much the first day of a new term wasn't all that bad. Thinking about it is alot worse than it actually is, which I've come to realize.

Ok, Swampy. I hate to break this too ya, but.....you still haven't beaten me. (LOL). It's funny, though. On my new laptop, I just downloaded Chrono Trigger, only because It's impossible to get regularly (plus my SNES is broken, it seems, and I just found it -sob-). I really wanted Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, but it seems every good Nintendo ROM is copy-protected, oh well.... Anyway, I took my first finals today (I'm sure I aced those suckers, YES!). tomorrow is Geometry and Science, so wish me luck (not that I need it). So, good story, but yeah....your story isn't as good as mine (joke).

Haha. Well, I tried. :]